Does a Clear Photo of Bigfoot Exist Privately?

A Bigfoot photo?

In talking to one of my older friends, he had mentioned his brother having lived in BC, (and having moved back some time in the 1970's or early 80's I gather) had taken a photo of Bigfoot. The reason I am making mention of this is because if he does get it for me, I would like it duly noted that it would not be a fabrication or a photoshop, that there actually exists a family album full of photos out there, and somewhere in one of those books, a photo of what is described as, "a clear photo of Bigfoot. A giant ape." taken while his brother lived there, which no one has seen publicly.

If this photo is ever found, I am allowed to put it out on the internet, as he does not have a computer, and he would not want to be the one to put it out there. He has been just fine with it hiding somewhere in the old pile of books. He said he hasn't seen it in years, but would have to go dig it up at his mother's house.

From what I hear the photo is clear, and in color I believe he said. It was a giant black ape. I would love to see this photo, but I am thinking what would have looked clear in those days might not be what we refer to as clear these days with photography. Regardless, if he does find it, I will release it. As of September 20, 2019 no photo has been produced, and I have learned of it only 2 days ago. I know he is super busy, but eventually with a lot of reminding him when things calm down he may actually go look for it.

... And now we wait.

~ Dee McCullay - Dark History


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